The Sauce
The Sauce Pod
Clubhouse still exists | YouTube updates | FanFix for creator monetization

Clubhouse still exists | YouTube updates | FanFix for creator monetization

In this episode, we're covering everything from France's crackdown on social media dishonesty to the latest developments in AI technology. We discuss FanFix, Clubhouse's continued relevance, and the ongoing competition between Substack and Twitter.

We also talk about YouTube's new podcast feature, Snapchat's AI backgrounds, and the S.A.M. model for segmenting anything. Plus, we delve into some AI horror stories, including legal action against Chat GPT in Australia, and the Open Letter to Pause AI Development.

But it's not all serious business - we lighten the mood with Cat GPT, Barbie Meme Generator, and Taylor's Design Masterclass.

So stay saucy, and tune in for The Sauce Pod, available wherever you stream your podcasts.

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The Sauce
The Sauce Pod
The Sauce Pod serves up the secret sauce for content creators, founders, and solopreneurs looking to thrive in the digital age.
Every week, we bring you real talk about what's going on in social media news, internet culture, and how to make the most of it. Get the latest in platform updates, viral trends, audience-building tips, and more. We share what creators need to know as they're building a brand online – along with a delicious dose of hot takes and the (occasional) unpopular opinion.
Co-hosted by Taylor Peterson, an ex-agency marketer and branding expert, along with Anna Klawitter, content creator and editor of The Sauce newsletter.
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The Sauce Pod is produced in partnership with Food Fight Studios. Copyright 2023.